Juri Strumpflohner


Finishing my Blog Relocation

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Juri Strumpflohner

About six years ago I decided to create a Blogger account and start blogging. That worked perfectly and it was a good way to start. However, now I think it’s time to change.

Changing the Domain

I will no longer continue blogging under blog.js-development.com but rather under the domain juristr.com. I think it’s a more meaningful and representative domain name as I’m present with that acronym on a variety of services.

Still, blog.js-development.com will remain as it is and I will keep it for now. Too many pages link to it in order to simply cut it off. What I did however is to migrate all six years of posting from js-development to juristr.com in order to preserve them.

Changing the Blog Engine

I’m not only going to change the domain, but mainly the blogging engine. Yep, juristr.com is no more hosted on blogger, but on Github instead powered by Jekyll. The guys there just do an amazing job.

It’s mainly ‘cause I’m a technical writer, posting lots of source code which where Blogger is not the best method after all. Moreover I wanted to have more flexibility, over the content, its license and mainly how it is published. I can hardly think of an easier and more portable way than a set of static files, right? And to top it all every single piece is source controlled.

How to keep in touch?

Just as before, subscribe to my RSS feed, follow me on Twitter, on Facebook, on GitHub or just come by from now and then.
Note that there are still a few things I have to fix and move into the right place.

Stay tuned for more interesting content.